Luxury villas in Assagao, North Goa, India LT433


Assagao, North Goa, India
Upto 9 Guests
4 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms

A love letter to Goa, LT433 should be your next pick for that much-needed vacation you have been longing for. Hidden away in the lush bylanes of Assagao the villa exudes luxury and finesse in terms of the interiors of the house. The amenities include a one-of-a-kind private pool that allows a magnificent old tree to literally emerge from the middle of it. Clean and elegant, the colour palette of the house is immersed in...

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*(Excl Taxes)

Extra prices:

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  • (Excluding Taxes) {{ total_price_html }}
  • {{ pay_now_price_html }}
Call us on +91 9638052010
₹ 58,500
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